Chris, the Italian Trouble Maker, is here to bring his East Coast swag to Rumble AK! Raised in Boston, idolizing the Notorious B.I.G., Snoop Dogg & Sean Connery, he’s gonna get you looking cool while you ‘Drop It Like It’s Hot’ at his 6am classes! As a teen, his fitness fell apart. The lack of fitness education and leadership didn’t help. He knew he had to get focused and motivated to fix it himself. He became OBSESSED with the process and the results! Group fitness classes were key - we simply get further together. Chris wanted to share his healthy obsession, so he took the leap and leveled up to instructor! He has taught indoor cycling, CrossFit, Insanity, weight-lifting and now.. Boxing! The appeal of taking on that heavy bag with full body workouts and heavy hitting beats is undeniable! Chris is grounded and authentic. When he’s not in the studio lighting internal fires to hit higher goals, Chris is fighting them from Fire Station 5. So catch him on the mic and throwing hands in class...with his Italian sass.