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One thing about Andrea is she cannot sit still…even allergic to it, some may say. Raised in the Chicago suburbs, she’s only known life with a jam packed schedule and has yet to watch a movie (we could end this sentence here) without falling asleep from a busy day. But that constant itch is what made her discover new habits like boxing and drove her to expand her group fitness footprint at Rumble. The ex-competitive cheerleader, now your biggest cheerleader is the exact energy that will pull you through the final round even when your body is fighting against it. And her positivity and a$$ shaking music is what’ll make you want to come back for more. Above anything else, Andrea wants you to leave class with a sense of empowerment, mental toughness, and a frickin fun time when you’ve got those gloves on. Oh yeah, and if burpees could be a love language, that’d be her #1

Gold Coast Schedule