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With a last name like Stasiulis, you have to be fabulous (it’s the only word that rhymes;). Born and raised in the 305, Chantal grew up attending language schools learning French and Spanish because knowing one language was not enough. During her childhood, she played soccer and volleyball and later met the love of her life aka fitness. She fell in love with health/fitness back when she lost 40 lbs adapting to a healthier lifestyle. She loved going to group fitness classes as this is where she felt a sense of community. Since her passion began, she decided she wanted to pursue fitness as a career. She has since achieved a certification as a Group Fitness Instructor (AFAA), Personal Trainer (NASM), and Nutrition Coach (NASM). Chantal’s classes are super high energy and filled with Miami flavor. You will be leaving class feeling like a bad a$$

Gold Coast Schedule