Nick Kral

Nick Kral

Sometimes the best feeling in the world is proving others wrong when they say you can’t do something. Nick thrives off of this defiant energy & brings it to everyone who works out with him. Creating a community experience of moments your hair stands tall & your body focuses on a single goal in electric anticipation, you know he gets the blood pumping & keeps the music loud. Nick works as a professional cinematographer and when he’s not lighting a scene, he’s making sure his class is lit. Despite his character flaw of loathing most cheeses (yes, it’s f**king weird), but the acknowledgment of their punny potential, you cheddar brie-lieve you’re in for one hell of a gouda time. With over 10 years of boxing & group fitness experience, let the sweat drip, punches fly, & keep the energy high. The doubters won’t see you coming.

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