Believe it or not, there are some people who make New Year’s resolutions and actually stick to them — Courtney is one of them. One January a few years back, she promised herself that she’d step outside her comfort zone, put on a mic, place herself front and center, and see if she could teach the group fitness classes she loved taking so much. Lo and behold, she tried it, loved it, and hit the ground running teaching sold out group fitness classes right out of the gate. A natural mover, Courtney comes by this athleticism and tenacity honestly — she played basketball and soccer competitively growing up. When the pandemic shut down studios in early 2020, Courtney — stuck inside her SF apartment — took up boxing (taking nearly every Rumble IGTV workout) and trained as extensively as she could. Of course someone who actually sticks to New Year’s resolutions hones an entirely new skill during a pandemic! She’s now bringing her training skills, passion, and dedication to Rumble, where her classes are rooted in a feel-good community feel, hype energy & an always-fire playlist.

Marina Boxing Schedule