Born in the Sunshine State with Boston roots, Kristina is a non-stop jack of all trades with a whole lot of energy. Growing up, Kristina always looked for outlets for said energy. After trying every sport imaginable (truly — every. single. one), she eventually landed on dance. With the nickname Gumby (because, whoa, flexibility), Kristina honed her craft for 12 years, danced competitively, and racked up award after award.  With a competitive edge and an appetite for always trying new things — she discovered boxing in 2018 at Rumble, and it was immediately game on. She now applies the discipline and rhythm from her dance days — plus some of that signature non-stop energy — when she’s throwing combos at the podium. To Kristina, class isn’t just class – it’s a whole show. So, grab your gloves, and let the games begin. 

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