

A New Jersey native, Ali has a background in medicine and the human health sciences. A passionate boxing and kickboxing coach who enjoys teaching. A fervor for being healthy, not only mentally but with a strict physical discipline. He’s an avid sports fan, Spartan athlete, an everyday athlete having played basketball, baseball and football to name a few. Fitness has always been a core disciplinary pillar. With his high energy and smile he encourages everyone around him to become better versions of themselves through hard work, consistency and perseverance. Why I Rumble? Rumble has been a game changer. I started taking Rumble classes in the city and instantly got hooked. It allowed me to be part of a community where I could be myself, express myself, and work on improving myself with every given workout. It became therapeutic. You’re in class and in the zone, you come to realize how you’re able to declutter your mind, let all the negativity out, and destress by punching and strengthening away. It’s not only the adrenaline or euphoria I feel during a class, it was also the results. I felt more agile, energized and motivated to do things outside of my comfort zone. It gave me space to focus on myself, and help others around me who were on the same journey towards mental and physical well being. I’ve met so many inspiring people along the way who’ve become family. People who continue to teach me life lessons that I will cherish forever. Hoping to do some cathartic punching with you Rumble fam! Let’s journey towards a happier, healthier you.

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